Wednesday, September 08, 2010

            So this maybe the last day I'm gone write a new post until next week..
             Reason:I'm not gonna be home..
              Kinda anxious to wear my new dinner dress..
           I'll try to get a nice picture wearing it..
                 Btw..i haven't decide a hairstyle for the dinner..
           I wanted to make it curly but no idea how..
             My mom says its no point to go to saloon for a hair set..
          Its just kinda dinner it small town..
                      So..okay..forget it^^
             Unfortunately,my sister got sick and is suspecting a dengue fever..
           My god,what if she really gets it..then I cant go back to Perlis..gosh.
                Touchwood..hope not~
                       Right now,just hope for the best..

           Thats all for now..sayonara^^

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