Braces finally off^^
Just took it off an hour ago
Wohoo..surprisingly I don't have the 'no teeth' feeling
It feels....comfortable..
Hey guys..don't laugh at me yea =)
I'm just a braces off beginner
Wow..after 2 long years with it..hmm
Kinda miss it already~
Here is something funny--->read it
Yesterday morning(Saturday) idea why..
My grandma when knocking my room's door
Tired at that moment so..ignore^^
Then she came in...
Here was the thing she said.. 'Jilien..wake up..Jilien..wake up lo..8 am already lo(huh..8 am?!!)..dady ask you to wake up..
8.30 or 8.00 ar..8.30 or 8.00 arr(for erm..a few times lar).wake up lo'
Okay...frustrated and tired...
I hate people wake me up in the morning...especially when its not the time for me to wake up strength to even open my eyes..and she keep going on mumbling...
I told her I will wake up later with a very weak voice..(come on la)
Then she went out...closing the door slowly..i mean really slowly..
My god..I was half awake that sis say to me.'Whats wrong with her?'
'Crazy wan..(thats what I said..sorry la but I'm really angry)'
When I woke up I went asking my dad did she ask her to wake me up..
My dad has no idea about it too~
Our conclusion is she overheard my sis telling mom to wake her up at 8.30am because she had ot go for curricular activities..
Man!Why me..poor me..T.T
Really hilarious..we then laugh about it (even my mom)
Guess thats all^^
Byee..I wana go bleaching~
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