The air is humid..its warm in my living room..
I'm sitting by my laptop..
Thinking back of all the days I've been through for the past few weeks..
It seems that a lot have gone through without me noticing~
1st day or work was memorable to me..
Damn stupid and clueless..
Ling was the 1st person to approach me..
Next was the funny ahbi who looks strict but is so crazy in person..
I was really fooled by his appearance..
A really nice big brother who helped me out a lot..

Boss..okay..not much complaint..kinda good to me~
The malays..not bad but sometimes they could be a meanie~
Everything has became part of my memories..
These people..this place..
Right now..I have no more complaints anymore..
I learnt that..I could accomplish and accept anything in this world..just think positive^^
Most important..have faith in yourself~(thx lovey)
Tomorrow will be a different day~
Enjoy people^^
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