No History class..
Have a new nice song for Electone(aka organ)..
Saw cute lecturer Joanne for solfege class^^
Mostly..he came to my college yesterday~
He even bought rice for me as an hour ago I told him I was hungry through phone...
Omg..this was a surprice again~
He is always like that...but....
Loved it^^
I hardly get to practice yesterday..
Noon yesterday Xinwei,Fiona and me watched Boogie man in the studio..XD
With Weifung in too..
Got scared once..and thats all...
Both of then watch till kept covering themselves when going near to scary parts..
Its hilarious..=D
Instead of practicing like hell...we enjoyed..=.=
Is that a good or a bad thing??
Lol...i don't know~
Xinwei went back on her own last night and left me alone in the studio...
Then I start practicing for 20min then John said is time to go home..
So I went down to lobby and saw seniors there chatting.
What the..asked me to go down and say its jam..wait lah~..><
Frankly..seniors are so cute..and nice~
Glad they are okay and friendly..
People who know me knows that I'm not the kind of person who could always keep quite..XD
So...continue chatting and laughing until I get in the car and go home..
Here is about today..

All it left is to present it on Thursday..
After all these weeks...its finally done~
Relax relax...
I loved class...relax
Of course I still do practice..hehe
What I didn't like is that he is having his exam tomorrow..
So I don't get to talk to him..
No messages either..I want him to concentrate since he has been with me almost the whole afternoon yesterday..
Thanks dear~
Guess thats all for now..
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