Saturday, July 07, 2012

A wish

Dad said it again.
'its gonna more month and everything is gonna be alright'
I've heard that for about 7 years from now.
Persuaded again and again by this doubted news..
Is it really going to happen or is these all just a bullshit?
I've strive long enough by my own to be tough and I don't give a damn anymore about what is going to happen.
All these years I've been doing everything on my own...working...collecting cash to get what I want...
I even have several jobs..
To me I've done great for my level. At least I did learn to be independent.

Its already 7 years...
7 years of striving to live..
Once I graduated high school..I worked and worked~ not to neglect studies also.
My mom did an awesome job. She is the person I admire the most.
A mere lady striving for the family..
Thanks mom =)
One day...I'll stop all these~ I'll take over the responsibility by doing what I am capable of.

My only wish now is that what he says is real~

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