I wonder what kind of excuses should I come up with now
I sense weakness which could not be concealed every time I stumble blindly
Your existence on that day strangles this body
With my firm self, I swear to the future that I will believe in those strong eyes of yours
The skies I have traveled, they have a freedom which is similar to solitude. I only don’t want to turn back
If you recall, we were very alike, right?
Whether it was our untruthful words or our retreating figures that pretended to be brave
I’m sure the circumstances are the same for the both of us. We had our mutual emotions too
I’m not strong enough to tell you about my feelings of insecurity
The dream I want to grasp, I was always being buried by my own answers to my questions within the interval of wishes
If it is your present self, will I be reflected in your happy eyes?
There are things which will become tainted and time that flows on
But that’s right, because it’s definitely not a mistake …Yes, I’ll believe that
An eternal dream, if I keep on tracing the painted world,
I will find those times and your radiance there which existed without changing. See, you will be rewarded everything
In the middle of a continuously bewildering journey, I bore my wounds within the fragments of regret but
The answers I kept on searching for is here now, and I held onto your small hand…
今の僕は どんな風に言い訳をすればいいのだろう
隠し切れない弱さ感じ 闇雲につまずく度に
あの日のキミという存在が この体を締め付ける
揺るぎない自分、未来を誓って キミのその強い眼差しを信じて
旅立った空、孤独にも似た自由 引き返すことはしたくないだけ
素直じゃない言葉だとか 強がりな後姿とか
それ故きっとお互い様に 飲み込んだ想いもあった
気持ちのまま不安を口に出来るほど 強くなくて
掴みたい夢、願いの狭間で 自問自答に埋もれてゆくばかり
今のキミならこんな僕のことを 微笑む瞳で映してくれるかい?
汚れてしまうこともあるよ 流される時間もあるよ
だけどそう きっと間違いじゃないから ・・・そう 信じては
果てのない理想、描いた世界を 辿って行けばそこにはあの頃と
変わらずに在ったキミの輝きに ほら 何もかもが報われてゆくよ
迷い続けた旅路の途中に 後悔のカケラで傷を負ったけど
探し続けた答えは今ここに 小さなその手が握っていたよ・・・
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