Sunday, October 05, 2014

In the UK

I've been in the UK for 4 days now and I still couldn't really believe it.
I'm miles away without him..
I missed him every second, wishing he was here with me at this gorgeous place with awesome weather.
He will hold my hands when I'm cold and give me a hug whenever I wanted it.
I missed his arms, I missed his chest.
The safetiness that I was given...

I somehow feel sad and frustrated when I worried him. 
He was worried about me and I cant do anything to make him feel better. 
Blame on the stupid phone line.
Today I was on the subway which actually was delayed with no reason.
Me and the gang was worried that we couldn't make it on time. 
Thank god we managed it.
My poor baby boy was worried about me that he woke up so early in the morning 😢

I'm really worried that might affect his health ><

Its all my fault. 
I'm afraid that one day he might give up and that all for me...
Breaking inside. 

Fingers crossed that wouldn't come. 
I love him

Pics from London to you ❤️

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